How to get rid of excess fluids?
There is a lot of talk about water retention, especially in this time of year when the days get longer and the clothes get shorter, revealing small "rolls" (such as the so-called love handles), which we would prefer to keep hidden.
IT COULD ALSO BE WATER RETENTION: liquids "trapped" in the body, which we struggle to eliminate. They are the ones who swell the tissues, cause them to lose tone, and, by stagnating, accumulate unwanted waste and toxins, which in turn can aggravate the accumulation of liquids, with an annoying vicious circle effect.
These common dynamics can have a considerable impact on aesthetics, but also on the scale.
The strategy of the war on water retention involves multiple fronts, all centered on the IMPORTANCE OF DRINKING WITH TASTE AND PLENTY. But why, if water is already accumulating, is it useful to drink?
THE WATER RINSES THE TOXIN ACCUMULATIONS. If we drink between 1 and 2 liters of water a day, it becomes easier for us to free ourselves from stagnant fluids: the water we drink will be like a fresh gushing stream that slowly moves and cleans up an immobile swamp.
THE STIPSIS? A FAR REMEMBER. Drinking regularly helps to soften the fecal mass, facilitating its transit along the intestinal tract. WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH WATER RETENTION? In addition to the direct benefits that derive from it, such as the regularization of intestinal transit and the cleaning of waste substances that can accumulate in the intestine, you can also enjoy greater abdominal lightness; this last point is very important because, when we are weighed down in the abdominal area, we risk compromising effective lymphatic circulation and the drainage of accumulated water, effectively increasing the problems of water retention.
WATER - DIURESIS - SODIUM. Taking water also allows you to dilute sodium (which is one of the possible factors co-responsible for water retention) in the body. In any case, it is useful to try to reduce the amount of sodium we take daily with the diet, for example by avoiding abusing ready-made foods, or by not adding the salt shaker on the table, to avoid falling into temptation.
The water we drink (without exaggerating the quantity, of course!) Takes up space in the gastrointestinal tract, filling it and helping to generate a useful signal of satiety; this is also why many suggest opening the day with a nice glass of water, a habit to be repeated even in the middle of the morning, in the mid-afternoon and 15 minutes before meals. Drinking too much during meals, on the other hand, could burden digestion, making it more difficult.
Water is very important for a good secretion of bile by the liver, and facilitates the functions of this organ.
Drinking fresh water (not frozen, which could be harmful!) Requires a little extra work on the part of the body to heat it up to body temperature, with calorie consumption!
Water is also essential to replenish the fluids and minerals lost through exercise (which should be an integral part of our life!).
What we have said is valid for water, and not for alcoholic beverages, which on the contrary give a lot of trouble to many parts of the organism, first of all the liver; moreover, alcohol is a source of "empty calories": in fact, it provides 7 kilocalories per gram, but does not provide nutrients of interest to the body (with the exception of some alcoholic beverages, such as wine, where alcohol are accompanied by polyphenolic substances from the vine, interesting for health).
If you are not an admirer of large glasses of water drunk "as they are", adding a few drops of lemon juice can transform the glass into a refreshing drink, great for the upcoming summer!
You can also drink infusions, preferably from draining plants (such as Pilosella, Birch or Horsetail). Finally, another way to drink fluids is an abundant consumption of fruits and vegetables, natural sources of water, as well as minerals, vitamins, and beneficial substances.
In these cases it is useful to accompany draining substances with plant extracts capable of stimulating the metabolism, such as Guarana, Matè, or Green tea. For a 360-degree effect!
THE RESULT will undoubtedly be a drier body and a fresh and renewed skin, more compact and young, hydrated and elastic.
In some periods of the year it may be useful to resort to the help of a food supplement to drink such as Adipoxan Drink. The properties of its ingredients?
Green tea, Birch, Lespedeza, Matè, Pilosella, Horsetail and Hibiscus are useful for promoting the drainage of body fluids. Green tea, Guarana and Matè favor the balance of body weight.
Matè also favors the stimulation of metabolism.